Getting Things Done (GTD) is a task management system that well.. helps you get things done 😊. GTD is simple to set up and keeps you on top of what's the most important thing you should be working on. Pebble Notes is a highly customisable Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) Tool that can be set up to store all your data the way you like it organized. This article shows you how to setup GTD in a Pebble Notebook.
If you like to follow the steps in your own pebble notebook. Click here
GTD is generally broken down into 4 main steps.
Tasks should be super specific, actionable and contain all the details required to complete
). And type in the task/todo:no
while typing the title
Keep adding tasks as they happen. In the next section I'll show you how GTD organizes things and helps you stay on top of things.
Save to Pebble
to your bookmarks toolbar. Anytime you want to save a page to your notebook, click on the buttonPebble notes will also support adding notes from your
If these are of interest click here to get notified
Now that all tasks are in the inbox, its time to make sense of them.
Some notes are not actionable by nature. That does not mean they are not useful or incompatible with GTD. The ones that are informational or a reference to be used later should be added to the relevant project or linked to the relevant action/s
This will show a list of existing notes. Type the name of the note we wish to link, or if it doesn't exist, type the name, and hit enter. This will create a new note
tagSome tasks naturally have a deadline. Notes can have one or more properties to save more structured data.
Some tasks expire or loose imporance over time. Later we'll explore the maybe tag, but more importantly you should be activly pruning tasks that are no longer required.
To delete tasks click on the sub menu and choose delete.
If you make a mistake you can find deleted items in the Trash.
Finally tasks that require multiple steps, or naturally belong together should be grouped as a project. Again let's add tags with the project name, and we'll explore them further in the next section.
Updating task flags, tags and properties can be tedious if you build a proper structure in place. That's why Pebble notes has a templating functionality. Once you Figure out your system check out
templates `section`
Now for the fun part 😊organizing the tasks that are left. Pebble notes come with two powerful ways to keep your notes organised.
lets you search or create a note inline. The link is two way so its easy to create a knowledge tree.This pairs extremely well with note-templates. For heavily used formats you can shortcut the creation with a template.
tag and create a project view for one off tasks. More in next section
imgNote that you can have as simple or complex filters as needed. All options in one block are AND conditions. You can Set Or conditions can be added with the Add button.
imgGTD outlines various different labels that help you organise your tasks. These are especially useful when reviewing your load and deciding what to focus on next. GTD labels include but are not limited to:
All of the above can be added as needed to your tasks using the tagging functionality. All tasks with the label can be accessed via the tag links on the sidebar. or by filtering down in the inbox or any view.
Agendas help you keep track of all topics and tasks with individuals. As long as you keep the relevant persons tagged in the tasks you can build a person database and the pending items between you and them.
link a person
A person note is a good example of something that requires a long setup which can be automated using a template. Let's do that nwo
lets call this template person
tagturn to template
Now whenever you wish to add a new person.
/<template name>
label is useful when a task is currently blocked by another person. Combining this label with agendas give you a better picture of what to discuss next time you meet :)
In GTD the labels that you use are highly dependant on your workflow and situation. Some other labels you might want to consider include:
Time to get to work! Pick your next area of focus and get to work. When a task is finished don't forget to mark it as complete.
Sometimes a daily agenda or a custom view on what you are working on helps. Custom views here are your friend.
The final piece of the puzzle is the review step. Once a week, its imperative that you go through all remaining tasks. While reviewing its useful to prune the no longer needed tasks. Reorder or change their priority.
Want to get started with GTD? Pebble notes got you covered!. Click here to get started